Unique Manifestations
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When? Maundy Thursday For more than 400 years, parishioners from the central part of the island have participated in the procession called Za Križen (Following the Cross). Beginning on Maundy Thursday, the mass is simultaneously held in the six parishes of Jelsa, Pitve, Vrisnik, Svirče, Vrbanj and Vrboska. The procession begins, following a 25-kilometre course into the early morning hours of Good Friday. Because each of the six groups starts from their respective churches and follow the course in a clockwise direction, the groups never meet. Each group is led by a chosen cross-bearer who walks the course either barefoot or in socks. Other official members of the procession are dressed in white tunics. Different Easter processions are also held in other places on island Hvar. One of the more interesting examples is the procession held on the afternoon of Good Friday in the town of Hvar, called ‘Through God’s Graves’.
When? End of August The famous Wine Festival takes place each year in the town of Jelsa in August. It is a weekend long festival where you have an opportunity to taste unique and autochthonous wines from different wine producers on Hvar island. Visitors will be able to sample numerous wines, while also experiencing authentic Hvar food and entertainment.
When? End of June The variety of lavender products is best seen at the Lavender Festival in Velo Grablje on the last weekend in June. The story of Hvar lavender started in the beautiful little village of Velo Grablje near the town of Hvar, in which its rural architecture creates a specific atmosphere. Traditionally, every year at the end of June, the lavender festival takes place in that village. During the event a variety of different lavender products are available for purchase as well as presentations about traditional lavender distillation, local cuisine, exhibitions, workshops, concerts and many other events.