Suncani Hvar Hotels

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April 7, 2016

Peka is a Dalmatian specialty, usually consisting of slow-roasted lamb or veal and vegetables. The ingredients are placed in a large, shallow pan, and then covered with a metal or clay bell. It's then placed under the hot coals of a fire and roasted for a few hours. Locals on Hvar have taken the traditional peka up a notch, and have included freshly caught octopus. This dish usually needs to be ordered in advance, up to 24 hours, but the wait is worth it! Octopus peka is considered an island delicacy.

January 13, 2015

Women around the world have their own natural ingredients and local secrets that they swear by. When talking about the Mediterranean, some of us will think of delicious food while others of the crystalline azure sea and scattered islands bashed by sunrays BUT when talking about their women we all agree on their flawless skin and a lot of well-deserved looks.

November 7, 2014

I’m an incorrigible romantic so I decided to make a slight retrospective on some ancient times when Dalmatia was under the patronage of Venice (which can be widely seen in Hvar's cultural heritage) and the time of an Dalmatian anthem – Maraschino.

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