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If the first location that comes up to your mind when thinking of a romantic destination is Venice, rethink again.

The magical atmosphere of its central Venetian piazza St Stephen’s square (second only to the Italian San Marco), the gorgeous sunsets touching gently the outlines of the Paklinski Islands archipelago, the exclusive French Riviera ambience beach club with stunning views and food of course, make this City one of the favorite destinations for tying the knot.

So which are the best locations where to get married? We have sorted them out for you!

READ ALSO: Tie the Knot in Hvar: the perfect location for your Autumn wedding

No.1 BONJ 'LES BAINS' 1927 luxury beach club

Bonj ‘les bains’ luxury beach club was conceived at the beginning of the 20th century from the prestige and the desire of Hvar’s legendary mayor Dr. Joseph Avelini, a member of one of the oldest and most distinguished families of the Hvar’s nobility. If you love 30’s French Riviera style this is the perfect location for a sumptuous wedding.


This amazing historic location floats above Hvar and springs up between the archaeological site of Napoleon’s fortress and Hvar’s City slopes immersed in agave, palm trees, peonies and an incredible collection of aromatic Mediterranean plants. This 16th century fortress, built by Spanish military engineers, was constructed on the site of a medieval castle built to withstand attacks by the Turks. With its glorious and hectic past behind, nowadays is the ideal setting for a glamorous wedding.


A great location in Hvar for wedding celebrations: this sumptuous late 19th-century building opened in 1898 by Empress Elizabeth herself, dominates the St Stephen’s Pjaca square and exudes the aristocratic flair with its old tower clock embellished by a climbing plant.

This is the ideal location for refined ceremony and it is possible to choose between different venues like the “Venetian Terrace” with an amazing view on the Hvar’s skyline and the “Red Salon” a Renaissance hall Loggia dating back from 1289, used as a ballroom and meeting place of Hvar’s nobility.


After the recent renovation, this location is one of the most beautiful and seductive Hvar’s City has to offer with its two floors, a private hanging Mediterranean garden park with pine trees and a rooftop swimming pool. Thanks to the perfect balance between the historical location (in the extreme center of Hvar) and a more contemporary design this is the ideal setting for a wedding signed by charm and prestige.


Just behind the famous Hvar promenade on the Fabrika Street, rises St Mark’s Church, former church of the Dominican monastery and nowadays closed for catholic services. The monastery was founded in the 14th century and was eliminated during the French rule in the early 19th century. This ideal location, just few minutes from the centre of Hvar and situated in a century-old park adorned with wonderful sculptures, is certainly a venue for a special, privileged wedding.

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