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Hvar, 21 December 2018 - The traditional annual employee gathering was held on Thursday 20th December at Hotel Amfora, where an end of a very successful year was celebrated. As part of the celebration, many donations and sponsorships were given to support the well-being and education of children and youth, as well as children with special needs. This way Sunčani Hvar supported more than 300 children in clubs and associations of the town of Hvar that deal with sport and cultural activities.

This year, donations and sponsorships amounted to a total of HRK 150,000, which is more than last year, whereby the means were allocated primarily to the Hvar Elementary School and to the Association of Children and Adolescents with the most severe physical disabilities and children with special needs "Perla". Sunčani Hvar also gave financial support to the: Football Club Hvar, Women's and men’s Handball Club Hvar, School of Football Hvar, Judo Club Hvar and the Drama Youth Studio Hvar.

As part of the festivity, many prizes were awarded to employees who achieved exceptional success, while special acknowledgments were awarded to employees who worked at the Company for 10 to 40 years. Christmas bonuses will also be given out to employees which equal to 2,500 kn as well as a present to the children.

This year's celebration thus marks the end of yet another successful season, which will be remembered by the start of a new investment cycle with the refurbishment of hotels Amfora and Adriana and the complete renovation of Hotel Palace, whose opening is expected with great anticipation in the summer of 2019.

"Thank you very much for the donation that will cheer up the children and enable them to travel to different festivals where they receive first prizes year after year," added Dolores Kolumbić, the head of the Drama Studio.

The principle of the Hvar Elementary School Nada Jeličić said in her speech: "On this occasion, I express my gratitude for the donations and even more on the demonstrated readiness to assist the school as an institution that cares for the education of our youngest members of society by securing the best conditions for their progress. As an important player of our local community Sunčani Hvar has recognized this in an effective way. We have equipped all the junior classrooms with necessary furniture for Art class and for Physical Education."

"We greatly appreciate this donation, which will enable children with disabilities and special needs of the island of Hvar to continue with neurofeedback therapy", thanked the Vice President of Perle, Luisa Franetović Prvinić.

"With this celebration we mark a very successful year for Sunčani Hvar Hotels and we would like to thank all our employees for a very good season and emphasize the importance of corporate social responsibility and investing in the future of the youngest generation of the island of Hvar," said Gordana Tomičić, President of the Management Board.

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