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With its abundance of natural fields, more than 2718 sunny hours per year, perfect climate, no wonder Hvar is known as the island of wine.

The island has a proud history of wine making, dating back to the ancient Greeks when they first planted their vines in 384. BC in Stari Grad plain (Ager), a UNESCO World heritage site. It is no wonder that over the centuries this long kept tradition has been perfected in order to ultimately create some of the world’s best renowned wines. At Sunčani Hvar, our concierge recommends a most popular wine tasting tour that will surely highlight your holiday in Hvar.

The marvels of vines growing from stone, located on steep slopes and UNESCO enlisted cultural heritage are sights that one can rarely forget. With such a strong wine story and centuries long presence, Hvar has become an island of autochthonous wine sorts, still unknown for many.

The Sunčani Hvar team visited a small family winery a few weeks ago in the charming little village of Sveta Nedjelja – Jagodna, on the south part of island Hvar. This small family winery is owned by the Matijević family, that started producing wines back in 2009. Throughout the years, this boutique craft winery won numerous awards for its premium wines, with an emphasis on red wine Plavac Mali.

Darko Matijević, who continued his father’s tradition, is a young wine producer who generously accommodated our team in his vineyard, in an idyllically located small house where he conducts his wine tastings. Guests are also able to enjoy stunning views of the Adriatic Sea directly from the hilltop area. The place includes indoor and outdoor seating cleverly intended for wine tastings and small nibbles such as charcuterie and cheese. A part of the outdoor area is also covered by a pergola, where you can sip your wine if it rains, yet still allowing views.

In a year they produce around 7,000 bottles of Bogdanuša, 4-5,000 bottles of Rose and 15,000 of Plavac Mali. The vineyards are located on a slope of 45° and are all cultivated manually without fertilizer. Other wines that they have on offer are Plavac Mali Barrique and Matijević Selection 2016 in smaller quantities.

Degustation - new in 2022!

Contact our concierge in order to inquire about wine tasting and degustation at the Matijević Winery. Options include two to four wines, paired with different fish and meat platters, according to your liking. Dinners can also be organized upon request in order to fully experience the facility.

Sampling at Sunčani Hvar

You can sample these wines at: Amfora Cascades, Riva Marina, and Adriana, hvar spa hotel.

Contact our concierge for more info: [email protected]

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