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Best rate guarantee

Sunčani Hvar Hotels will match that rate under the following conditions:

If you find a rate on a competing web site that is lower than the lowest rate shown on the Sunčani Hvar Hotels web site, Sunčani Hvar Hotels will honour that rate for the nights for which the lower rate was found, plus give you an additional 5% discount off the lower rate found, after verification provided by our Reservations Department. To use this Guarantee, please contact our Reservations Department within 24 hours of booking your room.

- For the purpose of the Best Rate Guarantee, a competing web site is defined as a web site that is not owned by Sunčani Hvar Hotels

- Rooms on the other web site must be publicly available, viewable and bookable on the internet at the time of verification

- The lower rate found must be for the same hotel, same type of accommodations, for the exact same dates and for the same conditions

- Not valid for marketing affiliates.

- Not valid for non-refudable special offers


The Days of Croatian Tourism took place in the city of Hvar on the 24th and 25th of October. This high-profile event brought together over 1,500 tourism employees and hotel representatives and is considered one of the biggest social gatherings of this kind. With a fantastic series of lectures and panel discussions involving top tourism experts from Croatia and abroad, you could really get a great insight on today’s tourism and the main trends.

Other key discussions included the importance of Croatian tourism and film industry, building Croatia as a national brand, Croatia as the new gourmet icon of Europe and the increasing influence of travel bloggers and influencers in the tourism industry.

In addition, this is the very first time in history that the government session of Republic of Croatia was held on an island with all present ministers including the prime minister Andrej Plenković who discussed sustainable tourism, but more importantly dedicated the session to island development.

Foto: Ministarstvo Turizma

During the days of the Croatian Tourism, many awards have also been given out to the best tourism employees, best destinations, best companies and the most successful destinations in Croatia. Moreover, we are pleased that our Adriana, hvar spa hotel received an award for best wellness hotel in Croatia! The new Sensori spa now includes 8 treatment rooms, 4 different types of sauna, VIP room with jacuzzi, Relax room, Vitality bar and much more.

GM Dubravka Novak accepts award for best wellness hotel on behalf of Adriana, hvar spa hotel

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